Le ReclusiamCritiques des publications et Ebooks Warhammer 40 000 de la Black Library


Garro : Knight of Grey

As the epic battle for Terra rages and the future of mankind hangs in the balance, former Knight Errant Nathaniel Garro fights among the ashes and fire of the embattled Imperial Palace as the shadow of Horus Lupercal's triumph looms. From the brutal betrayal at Isstvan to the desperate flight of the Eisenstein, through his missions as Malcador the Sigillite's Agentia Primus, Garro's path has drawn him inexorably towards a destiny that can only end in bloodshed.

La Furie de Magnus

De tous les fils de l'Empereur qui ont succombé au Chaos, c'est sans doute Magnus le Rouge dont le sort est le plus tragique. Sanctionné pour sa soif de savoir, jugé, châtié jusqu'à en être brisé, le Roi Écarlate a toutes les raisons de se venger. Or, ce n'est pas que la soif de vengeance qui l'amène sur Terra parmi les forces assiégeantes du Maître de Guerre. Il cherche quelque chose, un fragment, la pièce manquante de lui-même qui se trouve dans la place forte la plus inexpugnable de la planète : le sanctuaire intérieur du Palais Impérial. Alors que le plus grand conflit de tous les temps...

Ce tome conclut bien l'histoire de Magnus, une histoire que Graham McNeill a largement contribué à façonner, notamment avec Un Millier de Fils en 2010 et le Roi Écarlate, et offre un regard sur les manigances de l'Empereur et du Sigillite, il s'agit clairement d'un must rea...

Les Fils Brisés

Fils des Selenar Les passagers du Sisypheum, issus des Légions Brisées, sont à bout de forces et déchirés par un dilemme : suivre leur capitaine ressuscité dans une mission suicide, ou obéir à l'ordre de retour sur Terra pour y rejoindre leurs frères légionnaires.

Vous pourriez passez votre chemin et ne pas lire Fils des Selenar, mais sa lecture récompensera les personnes qui auront su donner de l'importance aux Légions Brisées tout au long de la Saga de L'Hérésie d'Horus. En tant que conclusion à cette histoire exceptionnelle, McNeill no...

Sons of the Forge

Unscarred, unbroken
Charged with a solemn duty by the primarch himself, Forgefather T’kell of the Salamanders prepares for what may well be his final journey. Along with a chosen few of the Legion’s elite Firedrakes, he must bear the last seven of Vulkan’s greatest weapons away to the secret vault known as the Wrought, putting them forever beyond the reach of treacherous enemy and well-intentioned ally alike. But word has already spread of these legendary artefacts, and there are many who would see T’kell’s endeavour fail for their own gain – the Salamanders must remain true, no matter what horrors they might ...

The Unburdened

Betrrayal at Calth
Long considering themselves persecuted by the rest of the Imperium, the apostles of the XVIIth Legion have courted sedition, betrayal and even open heresy for decades. But for Kurtha Sedd of the Third Hand Chapter, the Word Bearers’ assault on Calth has proven… troubling. Drawn into the haunted shadows of the planet’s underworld, the Chaplain and his devout brethren must now put aside all other concerns and continue to wage war against the Ultramarines, no matter the ultimate cost.

The Honoured

Betrayal At Calth
In the immediate aftermath of the Word Bearers’ attack on Calth, survivors from both sides were driven into the subterranean arcology shelters by the tortured Veridian star. While their primarch Roboute Guilliman had planned for many seemingly unthinkable eventualities, the Ultramarines now face a new war in the underworld – could Steloc Aethon, renowned captain of ‘the Honoured 19th’ Company, be the one to lead them to ultimate victory over the traitors? Perhaps, if he can master his own bitter desire for vengeance…

Wolf King

The Lord of Winter and War
The Space Wolves were set upon by the forces of the Alpha Legion before they had even recovered from the Razing of Prospero – hounded to the edge of the Alaxxes Nebula, in desperation Leman Russ called out to his primarch brothers for aid. None came. Now, with their fleet stranded and supplies dwindling, the warriors of the Rout face almost certain death amidst the rust-red clouds of the nebula. But what a glorious end it shall be, worthy of the sagas of old, and Alpharius’s sons will soon learn that a cornered wolf is always the most deadly.

Wolf King est à la fois audacieux, intelligent et pose un véritable dilemme au lecteur, surtout lorsque la légion des Space Wolves ne vous laisse pas indifférent. Une novella qui vous invitera à repenser la 6ème, ses croyances comme ses obligations.
